Monday, May 20, 2013

Life With a Corn-Jack's Gel - Treatment Week 2

Where does the time go? I am once again delinquent in my updates--lots going on.

Baron is still suffering with his two corns. We attended our play group yesterday-first time in three weeks-not because of corns, but due to rainy weather and busy schedules. He just ran and played and had the best time. He sure pays for it later. He has really been limping since he came home. We think the field is easier on his paws because it is so sandy-so much softer than our yard.

I am continuing treatment with Jack's Gel. My husband and I say on a regular basis, how thankful we are for the Therapaw boots. Baron would not be able to do much of anything without these boots. So even though his corns are extremely painful, he can still enjoy his walks and other outings. Sadly, we've given up our monthly storefront/adoption meet n greets. I just don't think it is fair to Baron to have him stand so much on concrete-even in his boots. What  a shame too. We always enjoyed visiting with the public, promoting the joys of greyhound ownership.

front corn
back corn

The above pictures are not the best. The one of his front corn is difficult to see - darn flash.
Below is a short video of the corn - a bit easier to see what's what.

One other observation. Baron got no relief from the hulling--NONE! I kept waiting, thinking the site just needed some time to recover from the corn as well as the hulling. Nope. Poor guy has continued to limp. Just crazy.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Life With a Corn - Jack's Gel - Treatment Week 1

I admit that I am quite envious of the success others have had in ridding their greyhounds of corns. I am even envious of those who have the corn hulled and their dog is limp/pain-free, even if only temporarily. I am so happy this works for many........unfortunately it does not work for Baron. Even one week after the hulling and he still limps - granted, not as much of a limp, but the poor guy never gets 100% relief. So sad!

We have been treating both corns with Jack's gel and pad polish. Both are fairly quick to administer. We ran into a bit of a snag however, when Baron decided he didn't like having me wipe the stuff off of his toes. He will lie quietly while I put the gel on his corns. I time it so I know he will be still for at least 30-60 minutes. I tried to use a warm water soaked paper towel or washcloth to wipe the gel off after the required time. Yikes! He growled and barked at me. Scared the crap out of me both times this happened. I contacted Jack, and he assured me leaving it on and letting it wear off naturally would be just fine. I take Baron outside and we walk around on the grass and it seems to come off pretty easily.

5/6/13 - Original corn

5/6/13 - Original corn

The above photos are of the original corn/pad. This is only 9 days since the hulling and the darn thing has already filled back in. What is troublesome is the very evident black dot in the center of his pad----the corn???? Grrrrrrr!!! It does look much better than it did...not so inflamed.

Below are photos of the second corn on his rear left paw. Definitely growing.I can't believe how much worse he limps and favors this back paw. Has it gotten worse? Or could it be since there has been some relief on the front paw, he now gives in to the painful rear paw. Can't say it enough- I HATE these corns!!!

5/6/13 - second corn

5/6/13 - second corn

We will continue with the gel and pad polish. More updates next week.