Thursday, June 13, 2013

Life With a Corn - Jack's Gel - June 13

Time for another post. I gave up trying to do a weekly posting. Several reasons: 1. Not enough hours in the day to get everything done. 2. There is not always something to report, so it is a waste of time to post nothing new.

So of course Baron still has his corns - right front paw and back left paw. We are continuing to use Jack's Gel. Baron HATES it. Well let me clarify.....Baron hates having his corns messed with. It may not be Jack's Gel. It could be whatever we put on his corns. Who knows? Baron isn't saying. I've had to experiment with the meds schedule a bit. I was putting the pad polish on in the morning, and the gel in the evening after final potty break/cookie, at Baron's bedtime. We began noticing that Baron was not eagerly coming into our bedroom to get in his bed anymore. When I called him to come to bed he would reluctantly. He was hanging out by himself in our foyer on the rug. Amber was in her bed in our bedroom, and we were in bed in our bedroom, but no Baron. It took us several days of this behavior to realize Baron was not wanting to come to bed because I was 'doctoring' his corn when he came to bed. So now I do his pad polish after their walk first thing in the morning. Then he gets the gel application after their dinner, around 4:30 or so. I have to sit near him to make sure he doesn't wipe the gel off or lick it off.

Below are the latest photos of both corns. He got no relief from the last hulling, and the damn thing grew back in a week's time. It is already protruding from the pad (on his right front paw). The corn on the back left paw has yet to break the surface of the pad. It hurts him just as much however. He can not place weight on that paw either.
right front
back left

back left

right front

The poor boy is just so crippled by these corns. We are amazed at how happy he is. He willingly goes outside to potty, not really hopping, practically skipping because he is trying to put weight only on his two good feet. I've ordered more Therapaws so that we never run the risk of not having some on hand. Baron wears them out pretty quickly because he wears them everyday for his walks. He would have no life without these wonderful boots. I continue to read the corn group posts on Facebook  So happy there are success stories out there. Really frustrated that nothing has worked for us. We will continue with the Jack's gel. Dreading the next hulling............