Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life with a Corn - Background/History

In an effort to help others who have greyhounds with corns, I decided to document our quest for a corn cure for our sweet greyhound, Baron. While surfing the internet one day, I stumbled across a Facebook page - Greyhounds with Corns - WOW! So much information - really a wonderful, helpful site. Lots of different treatment options mentioned.  I decided to try the Lori Rose homeopathic treatment. I have been documenting Baron's treatment and progress and decided to post it all on this blog.

A little background:  We adopted Baron in February, 2011. 

First day in his new home

About 7 months into his 'retirement', Baron developed a limp. After several visits with his doctor, chiropractor, an orthopedic specialist, and lots and lots of $$$$$, he was diagnosed with a corn on his right front paw.

We immediately ordered Therapaw boots which have been a lifesaver for this boy.

Ready for a walk with his sister, Amber

I began to find out as much as I could about greyhounds and corns. We tried many different 'cures'. Hulling was the first thing we tried. In the beginning, the hulling was not painful for Baron, and did give him some relief-at most a few weeks pain-free. After several months of hulling, Baron dreaded vet visits and cried when the doctor would hull the corn. He would then have his pad numbed before each hulling. The relief he would get from the hulling grew less and less. Eventually, he found no relief at all.

We tried all kinds of balms, oils and lotions. We tried duct tape. We tried dremeling. We tried filing. Nothing we tried gave him relief. We tried Traditional Chinese Medicine. We have a wonderful veterinarian who makes house calls - specifically to treat our kitty, Gabby. She agreed to take on the corn challenge. Baron was put on a 'cooling diet', given acupuncture, and special Chinese herbs (in powder form). We fought the good fight for over 6 months.......the corn remained.

Roaching with his snake

Throughout this corn ordeal, Baron has remained such a happy, goofy, boy.
It just breaks our hearts to see him suffer so with this crippling ailment. He hobbles around the house mostly on three legs. We have added rugs and runners to help him get around the hard flooring in our home. Even with the Therapaw boots he still limps slightly, but the boots give him enough cushion/protection that he still enjoys his walks. He goes to a weekly playgroup, and runs and plays on the ball field, but sure pays the price. He limps more after a good romp. I know other greys have more than one corn. It just makes me hurt to think about it. He is so lame with just the one corn. I feel for those who suffer with numerous corns.

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