Monday, May 20, 2013

Life With a Corn-Jack's Gel - Treatment Week 2

Where does the time go? I am once again delinquent in my updates--lots going on.

Baron is still suffering with his two corns. We attended our play group yesterday-first time in three weeks-not because of corns, but due to rainy weather and busy schedules. He just ran and played and had the best time. He sure pays for it later. He has really been limping since he came home. We think the field is easier on his paws because it is so sandy-so much softer than our yard.

I am continuing treatment with Jack's Gel. My husband and I say on a regular basis, how thankful we are for the Therapaw boots. Baron would not be able to do much of anything without these boots. So even though his corns are extremely painful, he can still enjoy his walks and other outings. Sadly, we've given up our monthly storefront/adoption meet n greets. I just don't think it is fair to Baron to have him stand so much on concrete-even in his boots. What  a shame too. We always enjoyed visiting with the public, promoting the joys of greyhound ownership.

front corn
back corn

The above pictures are not the best. The one of his front corn is difficult to see - darn flash.
Below is a short video of the corn - a bit easier to see what's what.

One other observation. Baron got no relief from the hulling--NONE! I kept waiting, thinking the site just needed some time to recover from the corn as well as the hulling. Nope. Poor guy has continued to limp. Just crazy.

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