Thursday, March 14, 2013

Life With a Corn-Treatment Week 7

So many things going on with our cornboy this week.........

Unfortunately, Baron still has his corn. I don't think we are losing ground, but rather we seemed to have stalled - hopefully only briefly. It is still protruding from the pad, but is also still firmly attached at one end.

I did try filing it just a bit, then massaging the oil into the corn/pad - don't really know if that helped - we shall see. 

Another thing going on with the boy - it looks like he may be developing a second corn. Good grief! About two weeks ago, I noticed him favoring his back left paw. Baron's original corn is on his front right paw. He walks with two boots on his front paws to even him out. We could not see anything on his rear paw pads, but when we went on our daily walks, he was definitely favoring that back left leg/paw. I put a third boot on him and limping. Fast forward to last night - 3/13/13, and my husband and I both noticed a tiny black spot on his pad-looking very similar to the way the original corn started out. Below is a very short video showing how crippled he is when walking on a hard surface without his boots.

Poor fella! The addition of another corn really feels like a punch in the gut. I am so down about it all right now. He is so silly and goofy. He wakes up happy, silly, and goofy - rolling around in his bed, roaching - just so ready to start his day. He still very much wants to go on his walks, happily enduring three boots. My husband and I don't want him to lose his zest for life, and yet with the pain of the corn (and now corns) it is a legitimate concern.

We are NOT giving up. I guess maybe we expected too much too soon? I really have no idea the timetable on this corn treatment. I know each dog is different, so the amount of time will be different also. I am frustrated and impatient - just so ready to have a corn-free dog. We will continue with Lori's treatment. I have an email in to her to see what to do about this second corn and also to see if there need to be any changes to the treatment plan. I keep telling myself he has a really nasty corn and it is just going to take a little more time.

Lastly, unrelated to the corns, Baron hurt his right eye this week. A trip to the vet revealed a superficial scratch on his cornea. He was given an antibiotic for infection, but it will have to heal on its own. So now he is hobbling around with only one eye open! My goodness what a week. So relieved it was nothing more than a minor scratch. It doesn't keep him down. He is still bouncing around for a cookie, and anxiously waiting for a walk with Amber.

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