Saturday, March 30, 2013

Life With a Corn-Treatment Week 9

So we are waiting on our 'revised' treatment from Lori. It is on its way. I am continuing with the oil massages and weekly pill from Baron's original treatment until the new stuff arrives.

The corn is really protruding and looks like it should just come right out, but of course remains firmly in place. I wanted to work on it a bit - just wiggle it, loosen it, and try to get that one side that is so firmly attached, so I decided to soak Baron's paw to make it easier to work on. To do this, I wetted a couple of paper towels-drippy wet (as we say in Texas - soppin' wet), then put them in a sandwich bag. I then put Baron's paw into the bag and loosely fastened the bag with a velcro tie. I left that on for about 20 minutes. Early afternoon works well for this, because I know Baron will nap until dinner time.

So after the pad was good and soaked, I then began working my way around the edges of the corn with just my fingernail. Baron does NOT like me to spend much time on his corn, so I worked a few seconds, then paused, worked a few seconds, paused, etc. I was able to make some progress I think. I did manage to get the top of the corn off. This of course, gives him zero relief, but I am hoping that by massaging oil into the corn right after removing the top, maybe it will speed up the process? Who knows..........

I got to thinking about the FIRST time we had his corn hulled. We had the best results from that hulling. He probably got about 4 weeks relief - the most he's ever gotten from a hulling. It also yielded the largest amount removed.

First Hulled Corn

First Hulled Corn v Later Hullings

First Hulled Corn v Little Chip

Here is what his corn looks like now.  I also took a couple of pictures of his new corn. It looks like nothing but a dot, but my goodness does it ever cripple Baron. I absolutely HATE these corns!!!




New Corn-back left paw

New Corn-back left paw
 Watching the mail for Lori's treatment.................

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