Saturday, March 23, 2013

Life With a Corn-Treatment Week 8

Well here we are at Week 8. The corn is still with us. Ugh! So very frustrating. It looks about the same as it has for the last couple of weeks. This was taken 3/23/13.

I have also added footage of the new corn - oh boy! Since I am treating this new corn, I might as well document it from the very beginning.

I corresponded with Lori Rose this week. She has decided to make an adjustment to his treatment. It seems Baron has a really stubborn corn and it will just take a while longer to get rid of it. We shall be receiving this new treatment in the next couple of weeks. There will be a change in both the pills and the oil. In the meantime, we will continue with what we have until the new pills and oil arrive.  I am hopeful that the newly developed corn will not be as difficult as his first, since we started treatment on it in its' early stage.

We are NOT giving up!

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