Monday, April 8, 2013

Life With a Corn-Treatment Week 10

The good news - Lori's treatment arrived very quickly this time. We received it on Monday and began using it the same day. Once again we have oil and pills. Baron is to get one pill a day for 7 days, then one a week for 7 weeks. I am to again, massage the oil into his corns three times a day, covering them at night after the last application.

The not so good news - The second corn that popped up several weeks ago is getting worse. 

second corn - rear left paw - 4/6/13

Very discouraging! This corn popped up after we began Lori's treatment. As this homeopathic treatment is to work from the inside out, I am not sure what the development of another corn means. Was it already 'in the works' and this treatment accelerated its emergence? Or was it already 'in the works' and this treatment is not helping Baron at all? 

I realize we have just begun this second formula, but both my husband and I are not nearly so positive about seeing success. I feel Baron is worse. His pad where the corn is, is so dry and inflamed looking.


It looks like you could just pull it out! But one side is still embedded. I have tried soaking it and then working on it............I can't get it to budge. I can't even wiggle it at all. In the past I have been able to wiggle it just a bit. Not to mention Baron is/has become VERY sensitive to me messing with it. He has become even more crippled by this corn. The last few days, to just barely touch it to put the oil on it, causes him pain. He has barked and/or growled at me on two separate occasions as I have attempted to put the oil on it. I believe he has just had enough of the whole thing. We will have to muzzle him to work on it at all. I certainly don't blame him. He has been such a good boy throughout all of our attempts at eradicating the corn. Considering we have been fighting this since 2011, he has been a terrific patient.


Even though this photo is a bit blurry, you can see how the one side is still flush with his pad.

It is all very deflating to me. I don't even want to imagine what his life will be like with two permanent and extremely painful corns. Or worse, as he gets more and more corns in addition to the two he has!

We shall continue for a while longer, then move on to something else, I guess. We are frustrated, beyond frustrated, beyond frustrated.


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